Lone working or alone working refers to a job where a person does part time or full time job without colleagues. Lone working is legal and completely safe. All states have different policies regarding health legislation of lone workers. Employer should take proper guarantee about the safety of employee. Employers should give intervals to employee to make sure they have no strain and thus avoid accidents. Before undertaking any job employees should take written statement regarding health policies. Employee should take training about related risks of lone working. Solitary workers should get healthy environment, food and fresh water.
Many working requires solitary workers such as night duty guard, hospital staff, petrol station attendant and hotel attendant. Lone worker legislation provides extra safety and precautionary measurement for lone workers. Solitary workers such as night duty guard may be the easy target of violence. Many thieves kept an eye on rich merchants and try to commit robbery at such buildings. Young workers and under 18 workers has different rights regarding lone working. Before undertaking any job you should be aware with the legislation rules related adult solitary and young solitary working.
Some kinds of jobs are highly risky for lone workers where hostile behaviour of customers can harm them. Alcohol shops and sensitive social activists are more liable to face aggressive and abusive gentry. Utility workers often get jobs in solitary places which are either underground or out of the city. If such employers meet an accident it becomes difficult to get emergency help. Lone working policies are helpful for both employee and employer. Before taking any utility job employee should know related risk factors, practical advice and instruction to be followed if any incident occurred.
Employee should also clear to a worker about related risk, health facilities and risk of imprisonment if life of any worker would be in danger. To avoid such accidents employee should have communication with employer. Manual help takes time it becomes easy to communicate and keep in touch with your employee by digital technology. You can provide them company’s app where you can keep track of their attendance, working hours and invoice. These apps have features to alarm the employer as soon employee feels he will be in danger.
For the welfare of lone workers lone worker legislation ensures if a company would fail in providing safe atmosphere to lone worker or found guilty of corporate manslaughter strict actions would be taken immediately.