Hair Transplant Techniques That Are Really Effective

Hair plays an important role in one’s personality. Those who suffers from hair fall or irregular hair growth feels something missing in their personality. Pakistan has various hair transplant therapies which can enhance your hair growth without any pain and damage. Hair transplant is a method in which small surgery is done at those areas like scalp, eyebrow and beard that seems incomplete without proper hair growth. Through small surgery surgeon replace your unidentified hair with healthy hair.

Baldness in men is common but there are various therapies to amend this efficiency. With the help of some surgical treatment and oral medication this kind of baldness can be cured. Hair transplant in Pakistan is world famous, although hair transplant surgery can be taken anywhere but in Pakistan you can find specialists in this field. At primary stage of treatment doctors offers two kind of treatments i.e. oral medication and some ointment on affected areas.

If it’s a genetic disorder means child got baldness from parents and no medicine is working on it, transplant is the only option. Hair loss is caused by hormonal disbalance of testosterone hormones which ceased the growth of hair on scalp. Under hair transplant surgery doctors remove all damage hair from scalp, they pick hair from back of head which is called donor area. This donor area have healthy hair so doctors use to pick some hair from this area and replace along the bald area.

Thus back area grows another healthy hair and genital affected area have healthy and similar hair. There are various methods for picking hair from donor area, strip method is one of the less painful method. In strip method there is a strip of 1-2 cm wide and this strip remove the hair along with skin, usually this is like waxing you get to do to remove unwanted hairs from your body.

Pakistan hair transplant is world famous because they are affordable and less painful.  Fue hair transplant in Pakistan is also a well-practised method, however everyone cannot use this method but only professional surgeon can apply this method. You can say strip method is less painful and traditional method of hair transplant yet Fue method is second choice. In this method surgeon uses small knife near about 1mm of diameter, they apply this knife on group of hair called follicular unit.

Surgeon use to insert this tiny knife into skin and try to remove group of hair, although root of hair is uncertain so it’s typical to assume how much hair will be removed at one stroke. You can say that it’s a painful method because at first patient feels frightened with this tiny knife. Most of the hair can be removed with fue technique but chances of hair damage is high because surgeon uses knife only on the basis of assumption. Talking about traditional method that is harvesting strip method that increase the chances of less hair damage.

Whatever method a surgeon may use after hair transplant a person feels a kind of perfection and glowing personality. Those who go through fue transplant gets no marks and stitches, it’s easy with automated tool to remove hair from donor area and paste on recipient area. Lahore is well known for its excellent transplant services that’s why people come from different parts of world to get hair treatment in Pakistan.